
My testing grounds for changes to be merged to Apereo uPortal

This project is maintained by ChristianMurphy


uPortal provides internationalization features. There are three aspects to implementing support for another language in the portal: the uPortal (Spring) MessageSource, uPortal Data, and Content Modules.

uPortal MessageSource

uPortal provides support for internationalizing UI strings through a Spring MessageSource. uPortal comes with several languages available, but you can add your own (or update an existing one) by adding a Messages_{code}.properties file in the classpath at /properties/i18n/ where {code} is the two-character country code (e.g. ‘fr’ for French and ‘de’ for German).

Use the org.apereo.portal.i18n.LocaleManager.portal_locales property to define the languages available in the portal. Add this property to either uPortal.properties or global.properties.

Portal Locales Example


This value will limit the portal to French.

uPortal Data


Content Modules